A weekly newsletter to help you market and launch your products & services with email.

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β€’ More simply

β€’ More honestly

β€’ More profitably

Each week I share lessons, case studies, and creator interviews about effective (and non-gimmicky) email marketing for solopreneurs.

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The emails are easy to read.

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And the advice is never gimmicky.

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Let's dig in.


So someone opts in for your lead magnet. That's great!

But...are they reading it? 

Or if it's actionable...are they using it?

Assuming the lead magnet content is "wow-worthy", the last thing you want is for nobody to actually use it.

You see, a lead magnet is not just another piece of content.

β†’ It's an asset.

β†’ It's a credibility booster.

β†’ It leads people perfectly to your core offer.

But only if people actually use it.

So the lesson today is β†’ to leverage follow-up emails and ensure that your lead magnet is used.

Here's how:

Welcome Email

β€’ Deliver the content link front and center. Don't bury it underneath a paragraph of text.

β€’ Doing this can be the difference in 20% of people clicking through and 70% of people clicking through on your Welcome Email.

Follow Up Emails

β€’ The next few emails should be focused on earning trust, and there's no better way to do that than piggyback on the content they just downloaded.

β€’ A few ways to do this are:

+ provide another link back to the content in the beginning of the email

+ share a tip(s) for how to get the most of the content

+ point out something specific from the lead magnet and expound on it in one email

+ 2-3 emails is quite enough


You can make your entire Welcome Sequence about the lead magnet, if it makes sense. For example, I offer a free checklist on my website. Upon opt in, you'd receive an email every day for awhile, all about the checklist β€” each day expounding on one bullet from the checklist.


Here's why this matters: the more that people consume your thought leadership content, the more they see you as a thought leader. 

When people see you as a thought leader, you become their go-to person in your niche.

And we buy from our go-to people :).



3-2-1 Lead Magnet Follow Up

3: Deliver link front and center in the Welcome Email

2: Next email, share a tip or two to get the most out of the lead magnet

1: Next email, expound on one part of the lead magnet



You'll never become a thought leader if people don't consume your thought leadership content.

Use follow up emails to subtly and gently remind people to use the content THEY requested.

You don't have to work so hard to create new stuff.

Just get more folks to engage with what you've already made.

That's all for today. See you next Tuesday.



What's next for you?

⟑ Ready to turn subscribers into leads and loyal fans? Start with my affordable course:

β†’ The Welcome Sequences Masterclass. Stop spinning your wheels with email β€” the Welcome Sequence is your starting point. Learn how to earn subscriber trust and position your offering in a series of emails that drives more leads. Time to get serious 🀝